Wiki Replacement and removal of peg tube


Clewiston, FL
Best answers
:confused:We had billed 43247 and 43246-59 for a removal and replacement of a peg tube. Medicare denied 43247. I believe we billed this incorrectly. I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me what codes should have been billed.

The PEG bumper was removed using traction. A replacement PEG was then inserted through the existig stoma and anchored in place at 3cm. The PEG bumper borke off when I removed teh old PEG. We decided to remove the PEG bumper using a Roth net. This was snared and withdrawn via the patient's mouth.

Impression: Successful replacement of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube and removal of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube bumper.
43247 can be used since a piece of the PEG broke off, otherwise a PEG does not constitute a foreign body. I would also code the 43760 for the PEG change as Bob suggested.

I have also read that a diagnostic endo can be reported with the 43760 when the provider needs to determine the problem and requires assistance with the removal.

Keep us posted.