Wiki Repeat Procedure


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I have a question on what modifier would be best to use in this scenario. Patient came in for an I&D and was to return back in a week for stitch removal. Patient didn't have the stitches removal but returned back to the office because the abscess grew in size and visit required another I&D. Would modifer 58 be used since its "more extensive to the first procedure", or modifer 78 since it was unplanned (but no operating room was used) ? thanks for any input.
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I am a student of MIBC. I thought you had a really good question so I questioned my teacher who is a certified coder with over 20 years of experience. She is wondering what was the CPT code used and what the global time period for that code. Did the patient return within that time period? A modifier may not be needed if the procedure was repeated outside of the global period. If they did return within that time period, recommended the 78 modifier. You do not need to have a procedure performed within an operating room to use this modifier.