Wiki repeat procedure?


Sanford, ME
Best answers
Hello all,

I am having a hard time finding any info on this senario. Pt presented with ankle tri-mall fx, MD manipulated/reduced the fx with the splint application to justify 27818. A day later pt could not flex their foot so the splint was removed and compression testing was done and then light splinting of the fracture until pt acheived flexion. On day four closed reduction was done again with the application of a long leg cast. Since this was more than a cast application, can 27818, 76 be submitted to the payer?

Thank you in advance
Yes. Since closed reduction was performed twice and at separate encounters it can be billed twice. More often I see where the provider did a closed reduction one day and it didn't stay reduced so they then did ORIF on a separate day (in which case you'd use a 58 modifier).