Wiki Repeat Procedure within Global Package


Ashland, Wisconsin
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A patient came in to get lesions removed using cryosurgery. 8 days later the patient comes back for a repeat procedure on the same lesions. What modifier would be appropriate to use on the CPT code 17000?
Or would this be still part of the global package and not billed?

thank you,

Okay, then my next question:

A patient came in to have a lesion froze off on March 8th. They came back again for another procedure, but then had the lesion froze off again on March 16th. The patient came back for a 3rd time on March 26th and got the lesion frozen off again.

So I can bill 17000 on March 8th. But I can't on the 16th. But I can again on the 26th?

Thank you so much, I know I'm overthinking this!
So, several things to point out.

LN2 treatement of AKs works pretty well if done properly. I would question "why" the patient keeps having the same lesion needing to be treated over and over again. Is the provider not treating with enough LN2 to adequately treat the AK? I'm not questioning their skill, but LN2 treatment of a single AK is fairly effective in one treatment.

Usually it takes several weeks for it to heal, slough off and see if it was effective.

So first treatment is on the 8th which starts a 10-day postop period

Retreatment on the 16th is in the postop period and isn't billable.

Retreatment on the 26th is outside the postop period, so technically it's billable. Many providers would not charge, however, as they didn't adequately treat the first 2 times.
I'm not sure why the patient got so many treatments for the lesions. But you're right, it is a good question to ask the provider -- Thank you!

Thank you for your advice!