Wiki repeat labs counts as 2 points under 2021 E&M guidelines


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
2 SEPARATE LABS ORDERED BY ENT. PRIOR LABS ORDERED BY ANOTHER PROVIDER. Shouldn't the following labs count as 2 points under data review? Would we count them if we ordered the first set of same labs?

LAB: CBC w/ diff
LAB: EBV titer
Yes, if you reviewed those two unique test(s) from another facility/provider ( external records) . You also get the two counts if you ordered them initially and they are send out labs.
The 3/9/2021 Technical Correction by the AMA states, "A unique test is defined by the CPT code set. When multiple results of the same unique test (eg. serial blood glucose values) are compared during an E/M service, count it as one unique test." With that in mind, wouldn't tests with the same CPT code count as 1 point?
The 3/9/2021 Technical Correction by the AMA states, "A unique test is defined by the CPT code set. When multiple results of the same unique test (eg. serial blood glucose values) are compared during an E/M service, count it as one unique test." With that in mind, wouldn't tests with the same CPT code count as 1 point?
Yes, that's correct.