Wiki repeat capsule endoscopy? i need opinions!

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I have a scenario that isnt sitting right with me and I need opinions:

Dr ordered a capsule endoscopy on a patient. capsule was deployed in the office and didnt go any further past the stomach. Dr did read report for the visulazation of the test, but ordered another capsule endoscopy to be placed durring an EGD the next day.( since the entire test wasnt completed)

I received 2 billing sheets for this patient. one for the office 91110 and another one for the next day at the surgery center with the same code, 91110.

I normally bill 91110-52 ( reduced services) when capsule is placed durring surgery every time anyway.

My question: Would you bill the office charge with a 52 as well? Or should this be a discontinued service? Could I use a 76 ( repeat procedure by same physician?)( even though this was done in surgery instead of the office?)

I know this will look strange to insurance to see 2 of the same codes with the same modifier on the same patient performed the very next day!! These tests are very expensive!

I explained to the physician that the dictation will have to be very detailed.
