Wiki repayments


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If a clinic goes through an audit and it turns out some patients are owed money from 10 years ago. Is there something that says a clinic only has up to so many years to reimburse someone and after that it is void?
I believe that credit balances or other property of value that is identified and has not claimed by or been returned to the rightful owner falls under the category of 'unclaimed property' and would be governed by the laws of the state in which the clinic operates, so you would need to research your specific state's rules on this. To my knowledge, unclaimed property does not become void after a period of time. Companies are not allowed to keep property that does not belong to them under any circumstances that I'm aware of - most states have a system set up whereby if a company cannot locate the person to whom it is owed due to the time elapsed, that money must be turned over to the state's custody for disposition.
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