Wiki repair of fascial disruption code??


Wallingford, CT
Best answers
OPERATIVE FINDINGS: Included no evidence of intra-abdominal adhesions. The hernia repair was quite solid. There appeared to be a neuroma in the subcutaneous tissue in the area of her previously marked maximal point tenderness. There was disruption of her external oblique in two spots in the area of her pain. This was repaired with 2-0 Vicryl.
... ... The abdominal entry was gained without injury to underlying viscera. A 5 mm port was placed and pneumoperitoneum was established. 45-degree 5 mm scope was inserted and the abdomen was inspected. Second port was placed through a previous incision in the midline and the abdomen was explored. The previous hernia repair was quite solid. There was no evidence of adhesions to the repair and no evidence of endometriosis or any other intra-abdominal pathology. Both tubes and ovaries appeared to be normal.. There was no evidence of a fascial or peritoneal defect in the area of the previously marked maximal tenderness. This was carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue. In the subcu, there was noted to be a neural like structure consistent with a neuroma. This was excised using cautery. Final inspection of this region demonstrated fascial split in two regions encompassing the external oblique aponeurosis. Split measured approximately half a centimeter in greatest dimension over a distance of approximately 2 cm. Second split was found somewhat more inferiorly medially. These two fascial disruptions were then repaired using interrupted sutures of 2-0 Vicryl.

Im not sure what code to use for the fascial repair..Thanks for any help