Wiki Reopen abdomen immediately after c-section


Grand Rapids, MI
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Hoping someone can give me some input on this surgery. Pt had an emergency c-section for non-reassuring fetal heart tones and cephalopelvic disproportion - she was stitched in the usual manner but when the doctor did the pelvic exam afterward there was minimal cervical patency and she felt that the stitches were impinging on the cervical opening and it was decided to reopen and adjust the repair - how/what can I code for this reopening and repair of the stitches? This is a new one on me...

Thanks in advance.

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You don't....the physician re-opened to correct an issue the physician felt he/she created, so there's no additional CPT coding to essentially fix a mistake type situation. You would bill the c-sect & that's it. You could add a modifier for extended services, mod 22, then make sure you have all the medical records in order because I'm sure the insurance would request them.