Wiki Rendering/Billing Provider for Diagnostic Ultrasound


Roswell, GA
Best answers
I was hoping to reach out on this forum in the event that someone can guide me to some concrete guidelines from CMS or my local MAC (Cahaba GBA) online. I work in an office where we perform diagnostic ultrasounds (noninvasive vascular studies) daily (i.e. venous duplex ultrasound of lower extremity). We perform these studies at the request of the ordering provider, and we always make sure we have a signed, valid order on file for the tests.

My question is regarding the billing provider for these studies. If one of our providers orders the test, but another provider happens to be in the office when the patient receives the service, goes over the results, and decides on a course of treatment for that patient, should the claim for the ultrasound be billed with the original ordering MD's NPI or the supervising/interpreting MD's NPI as the rendering provider (Box 24J), if they happen to be different individuals? The interpreting physician that signs the report may be different than the ordering physician.

I hope this makes sense and that someone can provide their professional expertise for me. Thanks!