Wiki Removing A


Best answers
I have sent in my 2 letters outlining my coding experience, does any one know how long it will take to find out if my A will be removed?
This is straight from AAPC so see if you have the following info correct:

Removal of Apprentice Status
CPC-As often think they've fulfilled the requirements to remove their apprentice status, only to find out they haven't. Here are the top four reasons letters of recommendation are rejected:
1. The letter is not on letterhead.
2. There is no signature on the letter.
3. The dates of work experience or reference to coding are unclear.
4. Classroom instruction hours are unclear (the letter must state the specific number of hours).
Hope this helps!
I pulled out my old correspondence. I submitted my letters on 5/28 and the AAPC's response was dated 6/3. I feel that the turnaround time was excellent.
Removing "A" from CPC Certification

I am currently working for a large national third party medical biller. Does working there qualify to remove the "A" from my CPC certification?
I am currently working for a large national third party medical biller. Does working there qualify to remove the "A" from my CPC certification?

To remove your apprentice designation via on-the-job experience, you must obtain and submit two letters of recommendation verifying at least two years of on-the-job experience (externships accepted) using the CPT®, ICD-9-CM, or HCPCS Level II code sets. One letter must be on letterhead from your employer*, the other may be from a co-worker. Both letters are required to be signed and will need to outline your coding experience and amount of time in that capacity.

As long as it complies with this information you should be fine to have your apprentice status removed. There is a template you can use on our website for your letters of recommendation;
Thanks for the input guys, I just submitted my information today. I am getting kinda excited about it. Not sure why, I've been doing this for a year. Why is the validation from this organization so important to me? This all seems silly but I'm still excited.