Wiki Removal of wire from failed PCI and CABGx2


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My surgeon did an emergent CABGx2 and also removed a broken wire from the LAD from a failed PCI. My question is, can I charge for a repair of cardiac wound in addition to the CABG. The grafts were to a different area of the LAD and to the second diagonal branch. Any help is greatly appreciated!
My surgeon did an emergent CABGx2 and also removed a broken wire from the LAD from a failed PCI. My question is, can I charge for a repair of cardiac wound in addition to the CABG. The grafts were to a different area of the LAD and to the second diagonal branch. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I have in my CPT book that you can use those codes with CABG or other cardiac procedures. I'm not sure which you were wanting to use but I just checked CCI for 33300 against the CABG codes and no bundles!