Wiki removal of peg tube in the recovery room

A normal removal of a peg tube would be 43760 I believe. I don't know if being in the recovery room changes anything, but if not that would be the code I would use.

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43760 is for "change" or "replacement" of a PEG tube. Not just for removal. If it is removed without replacing then it is generally not billable (the removal is considered bundled into the inital placement). If it is removed endoscopically (up through the throat/mouth, during an EGD for instance) then it is billable with EGD + foreign body removal (43247). Otherwise, again, not billable.
There is no appropriate "procedure" code for the removal of a peg. But, the removal is not currently designated as a global or bundled procedure. You do have two billable options based on location. If the patient is inpatient hospital it is billable as a subsequent care visit and in the office as a established patient visit. The level of either visit is appropriated by the standard E/M guidelines. Caution thought, we had an issue where they were being scheduled as "out patient" in a hospital which we ran into an issue of not having a billable E/M code for that instance, plus we have found that unless the patient's condition requires the usage of a hospital facility the cost to the patient is decreased and our profitability for the performance of the removal is optimized.