Wiki removal of internal fixation followed by hip replacement


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I'm brand new to Ortho coding so no laughing:) Three years previous patient had open reduction and internal fixation of displaced transcervical fracture of right femoral neck. Patient now has underlying nerotic bone consistent with avascular necrosis so Dr is removing plate and screws and performing a total hip arthroplasty. My question is do I code the removal of the plate and screws in addition to arthroplasy or is it bundled?
There are CPT codes (20670 and 20680) for removal of internal fixation devices (e.g., pin, rod). These codes are not separately reportable if the removal is performed as a necessary integral component of another procedure. For example, if revision of an open fracture repair for nonunion or malunion of bone requires removal of a previously inserted pin, CPT code 20670 or 20680 is not separately reportable.