Wiki Removal of infected AV fistula

Patricia Donegan

Staten Island, NY
Best answers
Pt had infected right arm av graft (fistual created for Hemodialyis a few months back). A saphenous vein patch angioplasty was
used to repair the right brachial artery, and the venous defect after the excisions was repaired with sutures. I have coded 35903, which includes the suture repair. I would like to capture the vein patch angioplasty of the brachial artery using 35236, but according to CCI its included in the 35903. Reading the codes, I think 35903 includes the suture repair of arteries and veins after the excision, but it seems that more was done here. The brachial artery required a vein path angioplasty to close it. Any suggestions? I could always try 35236 with a 59, but not sure it would be correct. Should I just bill the 35236 and not the 35903??? Anyone else have these situations?