Wiki removal of hardware


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For removal of left knee medial femoral condyle compression screw done arthroscopically, would you use 20680 or an unlisted code??? Thanks in advance!!
There is not enough information provided to help you with this. What was the original disorder/diagnosis for which the compression screw was put in the medial femoral condyle? Was it done by an open procedure such as an ORIF of distal femoral intra-condylar &/or intra-articular fracture? Or was it placed arthroscopically for treatment of something like an Osteochondritis dissecans lesion of the medial femoral condyle to stabilize the fragment in hopes of getting it to heal? Although the screw is a "fixation device," in some respects it is also an intra-articular "foreign body." I am not sure how you would combine an arthroscopic "removal of an internal fixation device (20680)" with the arthroscopic procedure other than 29874: Arthroscopy for removal of "foreign body" (loose body, osteochondritis dissecans fragment, etc.).

Interesting question and query. I wonder what others think.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.