Wiki Removal of excess vaginal tissue after vaginal delivery.


Stony Point, New York
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Good morning. I am trying to find the best code for this. Patient had a flap of excess vaginal tissue at her introitus from a prior delivery and repair and requested removal of this during repair of a first degree perineal laceration. This was excised and tissue sent to Pathology. This area was overseen with 3-0 vicryl in a running fashion. Would I use 57105 as it was sent to Pathology or something else? Thank you so much.
Good morning. I am trying to find the best code for this. Patient had a flap of excess vaginal tissue at her introitus from a prior delivery and repair and requested removal of this during repair of a first degree perineal laceration. This was excised and tissue sent to Pathology. This area was overseen with 3-0 vicryl in a running fashion. Would I use 57105 as it was sent to Pathology or something else? Thank you so much.
Yes, that would be the correct code for this. Payment of course is always another matter. Don't forget to add a modifier 59 to this code to make it clear that it is not related to the episiotomy repair which is included.