Wiki Removal foreign body X2


Best answers
MD does foreign body removal of a penny and a bic pen in the same wound. Can I bill 10120 twice or can you only bill once?
Thank you
Cindy K, CPC
Can you post op?

Can you post the scrubbed op note? I'm inclined to say once, but would like to see the note to be sure.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
An Army-Navy retractor was utilized to retract the inferior edge of the wound. Digital palpation allowed us to find the penny which ws removed with Allis clamp. Following this, additional manipulation and digital palpation helped us to localize the pen which was greasped again with and Allis and slowly withdrawn from the wound. Following this, the would was copiously irrigated with sterile saline and dried.

Do I also bill a 20102 with 10120?

Thank you so much for your help!