Wiki Remote Work (no exp)

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Hello everyone,
I am presently over 1/2 finished with billing/coding school. I plan to take the certification test by the end of the year. I have been looking for work, just planning ahead but I noticed that every place that is willing to hire workers from home/remote requires at least two years of experience.

While this is understandable, does anyone know of companies that will hire remote workers with no experience? My problem with this is, I plan to live in a very remote area by the time I am certified and there will not be more than one clinic for hours in any direction.

Is there any extra certification I can obtain to make me more considerable in lieu of experience for any potential employer?
Hello everyone,
I am presently over 1/2 finished with billing/coding school. I plan to take the certification test by the end of the year. I have been looking for work, just planning ahead but I noticed that every place that is willing to hire workers from home/remote requires at least two years of experience.

While this is understandable, does anyone know of companies that will hire remote workers with no experience? My problem with this is, I plan to live in a very remote area by the time I am certified and there will not be more than one clinic for hours in any direction.

Is there any extra certification I can obtain to make me more considerable in lieu of experience for any potential employer?
Being realistic, it doesn't really matter how many certifications you have. They don't bring experience.
I'm afraid that employers need to know that their remote coders can do the job unsupervised. Coding is very difficult. I did it for 6 years and have a provider background and still found it challenging. I had great support from my fellow coders and, in the end, I offered them support as well.
As a coder that is what you need. Where will you get that working remotely?
If I was an employer I would want my coders to be extremely proficient and independent. That is why most require their coders to pass a (usually) very difficult proficiency test.
I sympathize with your situation but, if you can possibly get some experience (at least 2 years, preferably 3), then do that first.
There are a few non-experienced remote positions available but they are not easy to find. Others may be able to advise you as to what is out there.
I wish you luck. Where is this very remote place you intend to inhabit?
Patti Winch CPC

Don't worry about the year of experience. When someone advertises for a job opening, they list the perfect candidate. They ask for everything in the hopes of getting as close to it as possible. My first interview after school wanted someone with 5 years coding experience, college graduate, bi-lingual and much more. I only speak English, had zero experience and an associates degree in an unrelated field. I was hired and turned them down due to the extremely low pay. I asked them what the pay was for a person with everything they were asking for and I was told the same pay. You have to sell yourself during an interview. Practice with your friends or parents. Think of questions you might be asked prior to an interview and have your answers in place. Pick up on what the interviewer is looking for. If you believe in yourself and are excited about what you want to do someone will take a chance on you. I promise!
Unfortunately, because many providers like to see hands-on experience, it may be quite difficult to get a remote coding job right out of school. While not impossible, again I have been in the healthcare industry for many years years, and have yet to see an employer hire someone to work remotely without experience. Good luck with your job search.