Wiki Remote Inpatient and Outpatient coders need

My company is currently expanding and looking to add more coders on for the new clients. We are looking for everything part-time, full-time, inpatient and outpatient. Both CCS and CPC accepted. If interested please send me a private message with your email address and I'll forward you more information or you can send your resume straight to me and I'll send it to human resource myself.

Thanks and have a great day !

Please send me information pertaining to Inpatient/Outpatient Coding, I currently have my CPC and have a lot of experience in Outpatient Coding. Please e-mail the information to

Thank you!
Pat Ellison
Job opening

Please let me know where to send my resume. I am a coder with 30 yrs. medical background and 2+ yrs. coding experience.

Thank you,

Diane Via