Wiki Remote ICD readings

Niantic, CT
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So I have a patient that has a home monitoring device. Every three months the device sends a transmission and we bill for the remote reading with the POS 11.

This month the patient happened to be inpatient in the hospital when the transmission was sent.

So along with changing the POS I don't need to add modifiers to the codes do I?

The device was still read remotely and not in the hospital and the reading dr was not in the hospital either.
An unusual situation, but if you're billing a CPT code that includes a technical component, only the professional component will be payable with a hospital POS, whether or not you add the modifier (though for correct coding you should add the 26 modifier). All technical components are inclusive in the DRG rate that is paid to the hospital, so if you're charging for the use of the equipment, then that technical component should be invoiced to the hospital, and they will include that charge on their inpatient claim as part of the cost reported for the patient's care.