Wiki remote coding


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I am newly certified and am wondering can you get work part time remotely to do coding when
you are a new CPC-A.Or am I out of reality?
yes unfortunately they all require many many years experience, knowledge of inpatient also and they will give you a test too take and you need to score rather high on that also, they also would rather you have CCS. Good Luck!
I would think that it isn't IMPOSSIBLE to work remotely as a newly certified coder, but very highly unlikely. Pre-employment assessments are very common tools for the employer to use to gauge your "real-world" application of coding.

As far as what knowledge is required, that most likely varies with each employer. Example: Inpatient coders need experience/knowledge of inpatient coding, while an ASC coder would typically not need inpatient experience/knowledge.

If you are interested in remote coding, it might be more feasible for this to be a goal to work towards rather than a short term expectation. Most professionals I know would advise working in a traditional office setting and learning as much as you can. You can use this time to show your employer that you are a good candidate for eventually working remotely by being dependable, responsible, and organized. Good luck!