Wiki Remote Coding Salary


Gilbertsville, PA
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I am going for an interview Monday for a part time remote coding position and am not sure what to ask for my hourly rate. I currently work full time and am making $24/hr. Could anyone give me some advice if that is what I should ask for or more/less? Thanks in advance! :)
I would factor in a few things-will they be paying for your pc and internet? I make the same amount full time and I am at the lower end of the scale. I know that certain specialties pay more.
Remote Coding Salary would vary depending on a number of aspects. I myself have worked remotely on various projects and can tell you from my experience the pay varied greatly. Of course experience is a major factor but as tkennedy72 stated some organizations pay per chart as well as per page. I have worked for one organization that paid 4.50/chart when pages were 500 and under and if the chart contained 500+ pages the pay was 6.50 a chart. Of course this type of work can be great pay if you are a speedy coder. I think you should ask any organization you are researching about their pay structure and don?t be afraid to ask for as much as you feel you are worth. I hope this helped.