Wiki Remote coding question


Sioux City, IA
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I have been coding for 10 years, and have coded for many specialties. Right now I am coding for a cardiology office and have been here for 2 years. I would love to start working from home as I am also an LPN, working towards my RN and would love the freedom of working from home while in school :) The problem I am running into with each interview for remote coding positions I apply for, is that I have no encoder (3M) experience, or EMR experience. The company I work for is quite behind the times when it comes to coding. (we still use paper forms and a scanner :confused:). So, although I have the coding qualifications, I am turned down due to the lack of experience with the software. Can anyone give me some advice on how to gain the experience I need so I have a better shot at a remote position? Thank you in advance for any information you can share.