Wiki remote coding office..

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in the future im looking into working remote. did you remote coders who read my message have an office ready when you were looking for work and kinda make an office once approved for a job.. I'm looking into remote job maybr in a year what can I do to be getting ready at home forthat?thanks in advance.
I had a temporary type office set up that didn't involve paying extra money for furniture and such until I knew I would be able to work remotely. It was a set up that I could easily convert or take apart depending on what happened. As it turns out, my employer does provide computers but does not allow them to be set up under a wireless system, so I am having to move my work space into another room to hard wire directly into the modem. So, I'm converting the space and will invest in the other necessary equipment (new desk, comfortable chair etc..) but it shouldn't be that difficult. You are really on the right track with all the steps you are taking and questions you are asking so I just know you are going to get it all figured out in no time! Best of luck!!