Wiki Remote Coding Company


Jacksonville, FL
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When you get hired for a Remote Coding Job, Does the Employer Send you all of your Equipment or would you use your Own?? Im thinking about doing some Remote Part-time work in the evenings if anybody has some suggestions

Thanks In advance :)
I just got hired by T-System RevCycle + and I am in charge of getting my own equipment (computer) and internet access and I also have to furnish my own coding books. For this company I am an independent contractor, but I did look into several others that pay hourly and furnish you a laptop. All of them require tests and the one that pd hourly had a crazy hard test that I did not pass. RevCycle's test was very straightforward and mostly multiple choice as I recall. I work full-time during the day as well and this will just be a second income for me.
Remote jobs

I have a few friend working with remote companies, and they supply the equipment but the tests are very tough. I have taken 1 and I didn't pass either and it is what I code everyday. Didn't get any feedback as far as what they were looking for in particular. I am still looking though. Hope this helps.
Remote Coding Equipment

Hi, I do full-time remote coding and auditing and the company I work for supplies the equipment and coding resources. When I started with them, I was independent contractor and then I had to supply all my own equipment and resources. Once I went full-time with them, they supplied all equipment. I am responsible for my own high-speed internet connection though. Good luck and keep pursuing it as I love it and as other have mentioned, yes the tests are tough but you can pass them.