Wiki Release of records on a minor


North Las Vegas, NV
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Nevada Revised statute indicates that a parent of a minor is entitled to a copy of the minor's medical records even though the custodial parent has sole legal custody. I have a situation where the non-custodial parent is a pediatrician and is trying to obtain copies of his children's medical records by using a Medical Records request from the practice he is employed by and not by using a personal request. I think he is doing it to avoid paying for the records. From my perspective, he should be using a personal request for the records and not a form from the practice he is employed by because people in the practice he works for does not need access to the records. There is no transfer of care or insurance payment issues involved with the request. The dad wants them for a court case against the mother. Should I send the records to the medical practice or have dad send a personal request and send the records to his residence and not to the medical practice he is employed by? Any input is appreciated.
If the dad wants them for a court case against the mother than I would make the lawyer request copies of the records with a personal release. I would also tell the dad that he has to use a personal release, not a release from the physician he is working for. As a matter of fact, I am very surprised the physician is allowing the father to do this as basically he is requesting records for a fraudelent reason. All of our medical record request forms should have a reason as to why the records are being requested, if it is for personal use, it should be a personal form.