Wiki Reimbursement for Translators


Tucson, AZ
Best answers
I was wondering if there is a code or some way to be reimbursed for our cost of having a translator, specifically a sign language translator, for patients who require one. The cost of the translator is more than the reimbursement we receive for the office visit.
There is no code to bill for a translator. For a sign language translator, you are required by the terms of the Americans with Disabilities act to provide this service, at no charge to the patient (or their insurance). Consider this a cost of doing business.

Depending on the challenges in using a translator for a patient for whom your provider cannot communicate in their native language, sometimes you can justify an additional data point on an E&M visit, but the documentation must support difficulty with obtaining information due to the use of a translator. Otherwise, it's unbillable as a separately reportable service.