Wiki Rehabilitation and Inpatient coding


Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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I am having few question please advice on the below :

1. If a specialists is following a Patient and the Patient is transfered (discharged from accute facility and admitted to the rehab facility) from accute inpatient hospital to a rehab facility, the specialist is treating the Patient for the same diagnosis and Patient is in the same relative condition (let's say the last code billed for the previous day was 99232), what code would you write for the first visit in the rehab facility, even if the visit in on the following day from the 99232?
2. If a specialists is following a Patient and the Patient is discharged from an inpatient hospital and readmitted the following day, what code would you write for the specialist who sees the PT on that following day (assuming the previuos code was 99232)? What if the PT is admitted two days later?

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