Wiki Rehab facility patients


Tallahassee, FL
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We see patient in the OFFICE who are INPATIENTS at REHAB FACILITIES (POS 61) who are TRANSPORTED to the office to see our doctors. We have always, in the past, recorded the POS as 11 with our office E/M code. Medicare has, for the last 7 months, paid then taken back payment using remark code M2 "not paid separately when the patient is an inpatient". We were told by the rehab hospital to change the POS to 61 and refile our claim. We have done this and are now being denied for remark code CO5 "the procedure code is inconsistent with the POS". I can find NO reference to a change in Medicare policy and do not know how to file our OFFICE VISIT code to receive Medicare payment.

Any suggestions on how to get these claims paid?

Thank you!