Wiki Recuperative care


Jacksonville, AR
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If the hospital has a Recuperative Care area on a floor within their hospital, what E/M code would you use to reflect that service? What code range?
I would need more information, but I'll try to hit all scenarios. Is this for the service done by a surgeon or hospitalist? Typically, you bill the type of E&M based on the patient's admission status....inpatient or observation (outpatient for SDS). Since the patient is under the care of the surgeon, is the hospitalist being called into consult, or are they just checking on the patient as a matter of standing orders? Where's the medical necessity? You wouldn't be able to bill for the surgeon, it's bundled into the global surgery fee.
unless this floor is licensed as a SNF unit or rehab hospital and then the patient is discharged from acute inpatient and readmitted under the SNF or Rehab, you use the subsequent inpatient codes with a POS 11.