Wiki Re-repair of Inguinal Hernia


True Blue
Mims, Florida
Best answers
My surgeon brought her patient, who had an inguinal hernia repair in March, back to the OR for re-exploration and mesh removal due to pain. (ultrasound showed no recurrent hernia). The surgeon removed the mesh and then re-repaired the hernia with new mesh. The diagnosis was Right inguinal nerve entrapment syndrome. I am not sure how to code this - 49505 is initial, and was billed in March, but this is not recurrent, so could I use the recurrent code - or the initial code again?

Any ideas on how this should be coded?

Thanks for any help,
We have had this before in our clinics...we coded as:

49505-52 (Reduced services & included OP notes)

Dx - G5781 for Right inguinal nerve entrapment syndrome
We have had this before in our clinics...we coded as:

49505-52 (Reduced services & included OP notes)

Dx - G5781 for Right inguinal nerve entrapment syndrome

Could you tell me why you would use the 52 modifier? The surgeon is removing the old mesh and then redoing the repair with new mesh...wouldn't that be more work?