Wiki re-admit by another provider


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Can i code for an admitt that was done by someone other then then operating surgeon. We have a patient that had a procedure by another provider that is not part of our practice at the begining of October. Our surgeon saw him and admitted him at the end of october for same dx. :confused:
Can i code for an admitt that was done by someone other then then operating surgeon. We have a patient that had a procedure by another provider that is not part of our practice at the begining of October. Our surgeon saw him and admitted him at the end of october for same dx. :confused:

I do not see why not. Two different providers and two different tax id numbers. Even if it is the same specialty, it should not matter. No modifier is needed either, but you know insurance companies, I would not put it past them to deny the claim, I have seen this before. Be prepared to fight this with documentation and possibly a letter on company letterhead from your provider explaining the situation. I do not know if it will get this bad in the denial/appeals process, but you never know.