My physician excised a lesion and then did a 10cm layered repair with flaps. I spoke with him to find out what that entails and he said that he has to undermine extensively to raise the flaps, which would mean it's a complex closure. Since the undermining is inherent in raising the flaps, would the undermining have to be mentioned to support the complex closure repair? The exact words he used regarding the flap only are:
"...The lesion was excised, appropriately oriented with sutures, and submitted for pathologic examination. Flaps were then raised for at least 50% of the circumference of the forearm to allow closure. Hemostasis was obtained with ligation and cautery. A 2-layer closure was then performed with a running 3-0 Vicryl suture to reapproximate the deeper space and surgical clips to approximate the skin..."
Would this be enough documentation to support a complex closure code? If so, since the whole length didn't involve the flap, do I have to bill an intermediate along with the complex code?
Thanks for any advice you can give me!
"...The lesion was excised, appropriately oriented with sutures, and submitted for pathologic examination. Flaps were then raised for at least 50% of the circumference of the forearm to allow closure. Hemostasis was obtained with ligation and cautery. A 2-layer closure was then performed with a running 3-0 Vicryl suture to reapproximate the deeper space and surgical clips to approximate the skin..."
Would this be enough documentation to support a complex closure code? If so, since the whole length didn't involve the flap, do I have to bill an intermediate along with the complex code?
Thanks for any advice you can give me!