Wiki Railroad Medicare


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This might be a dumb question and forgive me if it is. Is Railroad Medicare considered a part c medicare replacement? Please advise.
No, Railroad Medicare is the original Medicare for Railroad workers. It is their Medicare Parts A & B (if they so choose). It is an original red, white, and blue Medicare card that will have Railroad written on the top. I hope this information is helpful to you.

Please ask more questions as you need to because there are no dumb questions.
Thank you so much. I hope I can grow within this field but taking it one step at a time. Currently been doing medical billing for a year and a half but a lot is still foggy and now working through aapc to get my cpc certification. Thank you so much for the encouragement!
You are very welcome. I remember when I was starting out in coding/billing aspect of the office I've now worked in for 28 years. That was long before I'd ever heard of AAPC and had no one to ask questions. I, like you, took it one step at a time and read everything I could about Medicare and found that the more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. When the time came for me to sit for the CPC exam, I had on-the-job experience, and had researched and tried to learn all I could on my own. I did not take Medical Billing and Coding classes; however, I did use the AAPC study guide and practice test and read the guidelines in the coding books & wrote notes in a notebook and studied those. I know this is way more information that your initial question; however, I wrote all of this hoping to be an encouragement to you. These forums are a great resource. I will often read questions and answers here in hopes of learning more myself.

Best Wishes in the world of coding and billing!
Wow that is great!! Such a great story! I have been working in the medical field like front desk and a little billing for 10 years and only a year and a half in the full revenue cycle management. I was promoted to project manager on my one year anniversary. It's a small company but I am hoping to learn a lot more here on aapc and I can have more knowledge to bring to the table for the company I work for and hopefully grow within the company or eventually be ready to go on my own. Who knows where life will take us right? :) Same as you the more I learn the more I want to learn! Thank you for sharing your story!!