Wiki Radiation Simulations

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Does anyone know if we are able to bill for the 77014TC?

also - does anyone have any informaiton on the 77293? and does it take the place of the 77014TC?:(
77014 for planning CT is no longer billable in 2014 as it is bundled into the Simulation code.
77293 is billable when ordered and performed as an add-on code. It does not replace 77014 for CT planning.
Effective 2014, the only time you would be able to bill for the 77014 (as a part of the CT sim process) is if you are simulating on a CT that is not in the radiation oncology department. If you are using a CT in the radiology department than the radiology department is still able to charge the 77014-TC but this charge can no longer be utilized in the radiation therapy department (obviously except for it's IGRT definition)

Alanna M Stuart BS RT(R)(T), CPC, ROCC, CHONC
Physicians Management Services of Iowa
315 Walnut Street
Atlantic, IA 50022