Wiki RADIATION ONCOLOG- I will like a forum to set up specifically for this Division.


Rosedale, NY
Best answers
I am currently employed in a Radiation Oncology, Outpatient setting for a teaching hospital and I have a few question concerning the billing.

Should the hospital bill from the Physician's order or the Doctor's note?

Should V58.0 be used as a principal diagnoses when a patient returns for the follow six months after treatment.

How does V58.0 affects the treatment palnning, Brachytherapy, IMRT, SBRT etc?

If the Physician documents that the patient has a family history of cancer should be use the code V16.X/
I agree with having a forum for Radiation oncology.

The V58.0 should not be used as primary you should use what the cancer dx is then the V58.0 as secondary.

If the pt has a family history of cancer you should code that out using the V16.X code
KS, cpc, ar dept.

I agree, V codes are usually the 2ndary diagnosis code.

I have a question regarding cpt #33701 and #33738, can these be billed on the same date?

I work for a billing service and we're getting denied. Reason may be our provider type with the carrier.