Wiki RAC auditors and Medicare's AWV


True Blue
Salt Lake City, UT
Best answers
I have some docs that for the first time are starting to do the "Welcome to Medicare Exam" and the Medicare "Annual Wellness Visiit", however, I gave them a list of what what they must document at a "minimm" according to Medicare for these exams but the docs are only doing about half of them. Does anyone know how "picky" RAC auditors are with these exams? I would really prefer to have every bullet listed clearly documented or most of them anyway. I'm just wondering if anyone out there has actually had an experience with these codes and the RAC auditors. Thanks for your input.
The RAC auditors have a check list. Look at the Medicare website for one of their audit sheets. RAC auditors/companies only get paid on what they determine is overpaid so one could reason they will be extremely thorough...remind your doctors if it is not documented, then the service was not performed...medical logic and years of medical experience have nothing to do with RAC audits....good luck, but the doctors must be re-educated to document everything in order to get proper reimbursements.