Wiki Rabies expoaure

Brenda Sue

Statesville, North Carolina
Best answers
Can someone please help me. I know we use Z20.3 for exposure to rabies. The situation was a bat in a home flying around. There was not a bite/touch to any part of the body but just total exposure due to the present of the bat Rabies shots are being given but insurance is asking for a S code in addition to the Z codes being used. Does anyone have an answer I am not finding anything suitable. Thank you so much. Brenda Sue
It seems as though they are wanting a specific injury or contact that allowed for the exposure not just sharing of airspace. There may be no fix for this as there is no injury did you try using a z code for prophylactic immunization (Z23) in addition to the Z20.3?
It seems as though they are wanting a specific injury or contact that allowed for the exposure not just sharing of airspace. There may be no fix for this as there is no injury did you try using a z code for prophylactic immunization (Z23) in addition to the Z20.3?

Thank you Debra yes we did. But still asking for a S code.
Thank you Debra yes we did. But still asking for a S code.

unfortunately tere is no other way to code for this scenario. It is possible the payer does not deem rabies immunization is medically indicated unless there is contact with the animal. without an injury or some type, you will have no S code. I am surprised that they are doing the rabies series just due to presence of the bat. But better safe I suppose. It just does not look as though you can get this covered. Now you could appeal this and I would if you can get anything from the health department in your area or state that indicates this is appropriate and prudent.