Wiki R breast augmentation & L breast reduction.


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Could use help we are coding this correctly. Cosmetic procedure for breast asymmetry. , R breast augmentation with implant. CPT 19325. L breast reduction with implant. CPT 19318. Questioning if 19318 includes the implant. Can someone confirm this is correct? Thanks
19318 does not include prosthetic, therefore L8600-Silicone or equal may be separately reported. RT - 19325 includes prosthetic implant (not separately billable.) LT - 19318 Reduction mammoplasty (Must document the following: Weight & Height, Signs and/or symptoms related to the macromastia and treatment or therapies and responses prior to the mammoplasty. The weight of the tissue removed must be documented, a pathology report of tissue removed from each breast. L8600 Billable.