Wiki quick refresher on U/S


Tucson, AZ
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We are looking at performing U/s of abd and pelvis in office. can you bill a 76700 and a 76856 on the same encounter? I am guesing you would need a 51 mod and the pelvis would get paid at 50%. Thanks for any help...:)
Performing both procedures the 76856 requires you to append a 59 modifier to the 76700. And I don't think they will be paying it at 50% but not sure what cut it will have.
Most recommendations I hear recently, including the CEMC study guide from the AAPC, instructs coders not to use modifier 51 at all, UNLESS specifically instructed to do so by the payer. So I would definitely agree with the above recommendation to use 59

Lashel CPC, CEMC