Wiki Questions (2): morbid obesity & Rx linked to code


Vallejo, CA
Best answers
If there is a BMI of 40+ can that in itself suffice as evidence of Morbid Obesity? Does Morbid Obesity have to be mentioned with an assessment and plan in place in order to code it?

Is it ok that a provider diagnose Morbid Obesity based on co morbid condition with a BMI of 35+?

Finally; The medication list; Metformin and Glipizide is noted and next to the rx the condition DMII and/or diabetes is written in, the condition is "marked" but NO assessment and/or plan is noted are we as coders able to code 250.00?

For me; I believe all conditions noted and/or marked should have an assessment and plan in order to code and I don't think we should code using the rx list; however I could be wrong ... thoughts? opinions?