Wiki Questioning Required Duties


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Is it appropriate for myself, a 2 year graduate student of the college of CSM, with a Medical Coding Specialist Certificate to feel uncomfortable in regards to training a new employee in our office MY JOB of CODING. I've also taken classes and CEU's webinars through AAPC. I have also taken my CPC test once, failed slightly, scheduled for retake in a few weeks, keeping my fingers cross. This new employee has no coding back round that I am aware of. I was told that she has taken some ICD-10-CM courses. Was told She worked for a general practitioner for about a year. I currently work in an orthopedics office, have been here for 6 years. Just not feeling right about this. Comments and suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
It's easy to feel uneasy about these situations. The best thing to do is have a talk with your supervisor/boss. Perhaps they're just looking for a back up for you or maybe hiring a second person if business warrants it. I would just be honest and tell them you're curious as to why someone is being trained for your job. It may be nothing but if it is the "worst case", you'll have some warning and can begin to search for your next opportunity. PS: good luck on the re-take!