Wiki Question


True Blue
Smithtown, NY
Best answers
patient presents for screening colonoscopy and is asymptomatic. Would this qualify as chief compaint and 2 elements (location + signs & symptoms)? I say yes but could be wrong.
Why do you need HPI elements or a chief complaint if the patient is asymptomatic? There is no medically necessary E/M service being done.... unless it is preventive in nature, in which case you can use the appropriate diagnosis. Something like V70.0 or V20.0 but either way you don't need HPI elements. Those codes are age-based.
Why do you need HPI elements or a chief complaint if the patient is asymptomatic? There is no medically necessary E/M service being done.... unless it is preventive in nature, in which case you can use the appropriate diagnosis. Something like V70.0 or V20.0 but either way you don't need HPI elements. Those codes are age-based.

The patient is 50 and is coming in to see the doc for a screening colonoscopy. V76.51 is the dx being used.
you would not use that code for an E&M it is for the screening procedure. It goes back to the need to justify the 25 modifier, if the patient is coming in for a scheduled procedure, then you will have no significant and separate E&M so it cannot be charged.
you would not use that code for an E&M it is for the screening procedure. It goes back to the need to justify the 25 modifier, if the patient is coming in for a scheduled procedure, then you will have no significant and separate E&M so it cannot be charged.

The colonoscopy was not performed at that session. The patient saw the doc because he wanted to have a screening colonoscopy which was set up for a later date. The patient is being seen (E/M) and later procedure )Colonoscopy) for preventive measures only.
Ok then you will need to code it with a V70.- the V76.51 is for the actual screening. If you use that code for the OV then then payer will apply the patient's benefit to the E&M, then the patient will get billed for the surgical deductible for the procedure as the benefit was already used.
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Ok then you will need to code it with a V70.- the V76.51 is for the actual screening. If you use that code for the OV then then payer will apply the patient's benefit to the E&M, then the patient will get billed for the surgical deductible for the procedure as the benefit was already used.

thank you..