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If the Dr performed a procedure on a hospital patient on one day, then billed 99232 for the next 2 days do the 99232 require a modifier? Or are they inclusive to the procedure?
It depends on the circumstances. Was the procedure planned or was it done urgently or at the request of another doctor? If it wasn't planned, a follow up may be warranted. I'm assuming the procedure done had a 0-day global. Since your doc is billing mid-level follow up code, I'm assuming the patient is fairly sick and the follow up visits are billable (if the documentation supports it). In the practice where I work, if the procedure is minor but the patient was kept overnight with no complications, a follow up visit is not charged.

I hope this helps...
forgot your main question: if the procedure has a 0 global, no modifier is needed. Otherwise, you will need modifier 24 if the follow-up visits are not related to the procedure
If the procedure has a 0 global, then the follow up visits are billable. If there is a global on the procedure, the follow up visits cannot be billed unless they are unrelated to the procedure, in which case you can use modifier 24 on the visits.