Wiki Question regarding E/M coding

Sheri Varner

Bentonville, Arkansas
Best answers
I work in a multi-disciplinary clinic with (2) chiropractors, (1) orthopedic physician, (2) physical therapists and (1) Nurse practitioner.
I believe I know the answer to the question; however, the provider that I'm debating this with has been told that chiropractors can bill E/M codes as long as they use their NPI/TID and not the group numbers when billing.

A new patient presents to the office for a problem - Nurse practitioner bills 99203. Same day- within the same clinic (different Tax ID, different NPI) patient presents an issue to the chiropractor. Can the chiropractor bill a new patient e/m code 99203 or 99201 as well?

Thank you,

NP new to group

This is more of a follow up question, but along the same lines..

I have a Family NP joining our Group- Neurology Speciality. Most of NP patients are following him to our Group. NP practice is generally for pain, injections, botox etc. NP will be billing under our Group Tax ID., so are all his patients New Patient Encounters..99204 etc..

Thank you.