Wiki question on the new description for debridement codes


Ashland, MO
Best answers
I have a question on the debridement codes for the shoulder. I see that in the 2021 cpt book they described the different areas that will count for debridement and they also state how many areas are needed to count for either limited or extensive. With that said though, I have a provider that is wanting to bill 29823 because he did a chondroplasty of the glenoid,-(1 debridement on the labrum-(2 and he debrided the bursal side of the cuff-(3.
Now here is the part that is throwing me off, he did do a rotator cuff repair. Doesn't this mean that I can now only get 29822 because the debridement of the bursal cuff is included in the repair OR is this going to count as a separate compartment?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
You can't count debridement when it's part of a repair. Since a RTC repair was performed, you can't count debridement of the RTC towards 29823. Keep in mind that 29822 must be billed on its own as limited debridement is considered bundled into shoulder procedures even if the debridement is not related to the repair.