Wiki Question on pregnancy confirmation


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If a patient came in to get a pregnancy confirmed she has breast tenderness and missed her period and took a pregnancy test at home that came back positive. We run a pregnancy test confirms pregnancy. Would it be appropriate to code 626.0, 611.71 then v74.42? any feed back on this would be greatly appreciated!! thanks.
the 626.0 is not appropriate as this is for an absence of menstruation not meaning that which is normal for pregnancy, it is under the category for disorders of menstruation and other abnormal bleeding. Your pt is not abnormal which must be for a period of 6 months or greater, 626.0 is also located in the chapter for diseases of the genitourinary system, to miss a couple of periods and think this is pregnancy is not abnormal nor a disease. 611.71 is incorrect as the breast tenderness is a normal symptom when a patient is pregnant as the body is changing in a normal way, this code is in the category for other breast disorders, which the patient does not have. You only use the V72.42 if the patient is confirmed pregnant, V72.41 if negative and V72.40 if unconfirmed, no other code is needed. We should never give a patient a diagnosis code if the entire code does not fit that includes the chapter and category descriptions.
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