Wiki Question on Medicare audits


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
How far back can Medicare go to check documentation for office procedures and documentation for ENT procedures?
I'm concerned that an element in endoscopies was not mentioned in procedure section which means a modifer 52 should have been attached.
I'm concerned Medicare will use this to downcode endoscopy procedures retroactively by 50%.

thank you
Hi there, I'll start by saying that if a practice thinks it may have a significant amount overpayments it's best bet is to hire a health care attorney.

Second, under the Medicare Overpayment Rule practices are required to investigate suspected overpayments and there's a six year lookback period for doing so.

Medicare has also has a six year limit on how far back it can go for audits but I believe that if the matter is escalated to a fraud investigation by the DOJ that period gets longer.