Wiki question on lysis of adhesions

Boardman, OH
Best answers
when performing abdominal surgery, if lysis of adhesions has to be done in order to move an organ, is there a time factor involved in the lysis of adhesions code? One doc thinks that there is a time factor requirement. Ex. Oophorectomy done, but they had to perform lysis of adhesions of the sigmoid colon. One coder thinks there is a time requirement and that anticoagulation therapy has to be done. I did not think that there was any time requirement on lysis of adhesions. Any help would be appreciated.
Lysis of Adhesions

There is no time factor but it will most likely be bundled with your primary procedure code. Typically a 22 modifier is appended to your primary procedure to indicate the additional time spent on lysis of adhesions.
Make sure in the operative reports that the Dr states the amount of time spent on the adhesions and what other factors effected this. The more documentation on the report the better off you are. Also make sure to submit the op report with the claim as your supporting documentation.